Delivery Management (Mondo Convenienza):
This is a special solution that allows the management of furniture delivery and returns as well as the warehouse management. As it is sent in real time, the application enables the planning of rounds and records delivery times allowing the back-office to handle any delays promptly informing the end customer.
Maintenance (S4WEB, EBM, Hospital Consulting, Costan, Publiacqua, Sogei, CIAM,
In the large field of maintenance one can find different types of solutions. In fact, we have created "standard" maintenance applications (heaters, aqueducts, machinery, stairlifts...) and at the same time we have also included property management.
The operative conditions where this type of intervention is carried out and the variety of computer literacy of operators make the Digital Pen the main tool to count upon in this sector.
Reporting (Italian Civil Defense, Selproc, Selex SI, Safety and Environment, OCTO Telematics, Smmart Post, Poste Sarde 1861, Novartis Farma, Municipality of Reggio Calabria, Municipality of Brescia, Municipality of Spoleto, Calabro-Lucane Railways, Mountain Community of Orvietano-Narnese-Amerino-Tuderte, Farmacap, Don Bosco):
It is another large environment that embraces various experiences. Some cases in particular represent excellent solutions, a true and proper devolution in their field.
For the Civil Defense and Selproc, Digiwrite proceeded with form computerization concerning post-earthquake inspection of civil and commercial buildings. In the past (e.g. activities after the earthquake at L’Aquila) the Civil Defense deployed several tens of thousands of days and manpower in data-entry, not counting the latent periods concerning information which were dragged out (always because of long data-entry times).
For Safety and Environment and OCT though, applications were created that could radically change the fraud scenario of Italian Insurance Companies, guaranteeing the capture of photographs and data referring to car accidents in real time.
Instead for Smmart Post and Poste Sarde (Sardinian post offices), the focus was upon the delivery guarantee of registered mail, on the GPS delivery location and the sending of the image of the consignee’s signature to the sender, in this way obtaining a "return receipt" in real time.
In conclusion, Novartis managed the delivery of medical samples on behalf of all its medical representatives to general practitioners simply by using the Digital Pen.